Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Good morning to all of you!! Thank you for giving me a few minutes of your time today. I hope this enriches you and aids you in living a prosperous life, in all areas.

Albert Einstein said: "I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be."
As we all know, our days can be full of chaos! As I sit here now, I am bombarded with four dogs barking at my window. These, of course, are my wonderful, fierce small dogs. They have discovered a black cat outside our house who doesn't belong there. No matter what I do or say, these particular dogs won't like that cat because it's their nature not to. I can train them not to bark, or to put their attention elsewhere, but they will never love that cat. Even if their master, me, tries to subdue their nature, it will pop out! Even if the dog whisperer is called, he might can change their conduct, but he can't really change their heart, their nature ( By the way, I love how the dog whisperer takes people back to their true nature with dogs) . My dogs weren't raised with this cat, and as far as they're concerned he is the enemy force and is to be hated!!!!! For those of you who have seen me speak, imagine me illustrating this!!!

With that picture in your mind, look at yourself for a moment. How often do you get permission to focus on you? So do it before the moment passes! You, as a human being have been created with a nature. We are told we were created in the image of God, who is light and love. Yeah yeah, I know about "the fall', but that didn't change the nature you were meant to have, if anything, it just subdued it.

What really gets under your skin? Is it something you know goes against the nature you were created with? Now don't go all theological on me, I could go in any direction, but for those of you who claim to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, He actually showed us how to act. If you don't believe anything else about Him, you must know that He was one who loved and changed others to do so. He shed the light of God wherever He went. He showed us a better way to live. No hatred, or unforgiveness, or fear, or rejection. Even when He was dying. These are topics I will be writing about in the future. But for today, let's do a general overhaul. Let's isolate anything destructive to our "God nature", or "Jesus consciousness", and let's begin to ask our Higher power, "is that feeling worthy of my nature?". Once that is done, if you identify something that is not, write it down, maybe start a journal to help you love yourself more, then give that attitude or opinion up. It's that simple. Go back to your nature in that situation, I believe God will help you to do so once you identify and ask.

I think you will see changes that surprise you by choosing to let go of things against God's nature in you. Like these dogs, I can't really do anything but get them away from the window to get them stop acting on their nature. I want you to look out of your window of life after having asked God for a change, let your nature go, and see what happens.

I love each one of you, I am on this journey along with you, so any comments are welcome.

Until next time,

With love,
Roma Beth


  1. Beth, thank you for your insight. I believe we all spend so much time trying to move ahead, please someone else and rush, rush, rush. We must take the time to look within and allow God to change us because letting go of our will and opening up to God's then there is the peace and love we all so want in our lives.

  2. Beth, Thanks for sharing your thoughts and heart on your blog! Very thought provoking and inspirational!

  3. Ooh, good stuff Ms. Beth. I miss sitting at your kitchen table, on Saturday morning, petting the dogs and getting to here good stuff like this. Love it. Keep it coming. Love you guys.
