I know my name, I know who I am, I am identified in God by who I am, not by what I am doing. The knowledge of who I am reveals the larger canvas on which God will begin to paint His strokes of destiny. Mine, actually comes from my name. I am “Beth”, meaning in Hebrew, “house’ or “dwelling place”, or it could mean “sanctuary”. And I am “Roma”, which of course is a city and in Latin means “strength”, but in Hebrew it means, “elevated, lofty”.
My sister Becky who went home to meet her maker years ago told me that some people were called to simply hold the presence of God, to be His container to spread His life, His Word, His Truth, wherever they are. In the Old Testament there were such Priests who only attended to God. They only touched the sacred elements and could not touch man. Now I’m not saying that about myself, I am all about people. But I am beginning to see that just maybe God won’t allow me to get boxed in so I can move quickly and go where He may need me, or just spread love, a prayer, or a Word to someone I meet on this journey. To be a place where He is comfortable, a house for His presence or for others to find hope and comfort and to find His love. And a place that is above the scuffle, and above the competition and emotion, a strong house of healing. That’s who I know I am, I am not always on the mark but I am reaching for the goal! No matter who tries to change that or box that in or tell me differently, I know who I am!
I shared that with you because I want to answer your questions about what you are called to do, who you are in God, and what you can do for Him. Just be who you are. It bears true in what the Apostle Paul said prior to his speech of encouragement in
2Corinthians 4:7 “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels.” He places his gifts, his love, his hope, his abilities, his presence, Himself in our vessel… but that’s just it, everyone around us, I know those around me, knows that a simple person cannot be what we are without a divine calling. That makes it miraculous. And yes I am a miracle worker! That's for you "Shepherd's Door" people.
Yes, I admit there have been many disappointments in my life; many times I did call it quits only to come back and repent. Many things I’ve done out of the need for my own personal welfare. And although there may not be regret regarding some of these, they may not be best for where God is taking me. So God took the mistakes, and blunders and is turning them into bridges, which lead to His purpose.
Again, the enemy blunders by thinking he can defeat anyone belonging to the God that controls everything. But the enemy tries to trip us up if we aren’t on our proper path.
So it is imperative that we know who we are before we can actually know that we are going in the right direction. If you don’t know who you are, begin to ask God to reveal it to you. Maybe through circumstances, maybe through your own suffering, or through someone you love. You’ll be surprised how you might find it. And you have to listen with tuned in ears. I have to admit that as the seasons have changed so has my activity level and opportunity. But my purpose has never changed. Who I am has never changed.
Years ago, our family was in crisis. Wes and I having left both of our jobs had no immediate income. We still had two kids in school, a school we couldn’t afford anymore, and so I had to home school our kids. We were launching out into new territory. My husband Wes was really distressed, not knowing where the next paycheck might even possibly come from and he showed it with a furrowed brow. He and my son, Britt, were riding in the car one day; my son was twelve years old at the time. He looked at his Dad and said, “Dad, don’t look so worried, I hate to see you like this. How bad can it be? So we lose everything, as long as we have each other, we’re gonna be okay”. My husband said immediately he heard the voice of God through our son and from that point on a new faith arose in him. As he began to trust, of course God provided for us. Just don’t close your Spiritual ears or your carnal ears for that, you’ll get your answer.
And I believe that whatever you do for God will bring joy and not dread. If you dread it, it’s not your purpose. I also know that if you have to strain to do it and work hard to even make it happen, it’s not for you, you weren’t made for that thing. Does a vase have to strain at holding water? Only if it is flawed into forgetting what it does by getting a hole, then it can no longer serve that purpose. You will be comfortable with God’s call for you. That’s just my belief. And if you don’t think you are at first, maybe you just didn’t know it was in there, and you become comfortable later on!
But it takes a death to understand who God is in you! And not just one death, but also a continual dying to yourself. If you really want to be who you were made to be for Him then understand that the process of Life in Him also demand a laying down of your own life.
You need to start figuring out who you are…you are so vulnerable if you’ve never settled the question of your identity.
Maybe you were raised by a value system that taught you that you were suppose to lose, or in a society that tells you that people who believe in Jesus shouldn’t expect much out of life. Or you were always limited in your home environment as a child or maybe now as an adult.
If you continue to be blind to who you are, you’ll always stay in the chicken coup instead of soaring like you can. I like that one!
You must accept that you are redeemed, forgiven, bought, and mighty in God…within your purpose…in Him you move and live and have your being.
And listen, don’t go to God and expect to tell Him the plans you’ve made for your life and ask Him to endorse them.
He knew who you were before you were formed in your Mother’s womb and He has a purpose for you…according to Jeremiah.
The blunder in your life, whether it is a sickness, or an attack on your family, job or marriage…or a simple wrong decision that you now realize wasn’t right, these things can be turned into a huge bridge for the power of God to be released into lives around you as well as your own. We must learn to forgive when blunders are made…then we must learn to wait for the bridge, and then by God’s grace walk over it into our opportunity. And knowing this, wouldn’t is be great if we didn’t rush through the times when the horrific things were happening in our lives. Learn to abide in God in the place where the bridge is being built for you, ask God to speak and soon you’ll have the vision to see the bridge and the faith to walk over it.
2 Cor 2:14-15 14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
15 For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.
We have to hold Him to diffuse Him. Think about it.
I love you all,
Roma Beth, His Strong Elevated House